You are surfing on the internet suddenly you found important information that need to be copied for later use. Then what you will do? You will minimize your browser and go to start button and search for some text processing tools like notepad, or word. You open them and type or copy the information in these. It takes time to do all these. But without all these you can just open your browser (i.e., chrome) new tab and start writing the information on it or copy on it.
Yes, this can be done with your chrome new tab. That too, in the new tab you always open to browse. Are you surprised how it is possible? All you have to do is to add an extension in the form New Tab Draft to the chrome and the rest will be taken care of by it.
Here is the procedure how to do it:
- Go to Chrome web store and in the search button Type “New Tab Draft” and press enter.
- You can find “New Tab Draft” Extension. On the right side you will find+ +ADD TO CHROME button just press on it.
- A New Tab Draft Extension will be added as the side of your Address bar.
- Now whenever you want to write or copy anything just open the New Tab of the Browser. If you are opening for the first time it will ask for whether to keep changes or restore settings.
- Press “keep changes” button to make the changes effective and use this feature. Later you can disable it.
- Now you can start using this extension features and advantages in the new tab in the write something… area.
Features of New Tab Draft:
- You can just open a new tab and write whatever you want.
- You can even copy the information from other sources and paste here.
- New tab draft help you save it in your browser but not on the server.
- Your information will be there as it is next time you open a new tab.
- You can do simple calculations on the new tab draft.
By pressing on the draft button left-bottom side you can add more features like…
- You can change the font-family, font-color, font-size, background-color or you can make your own color.
- You can share the page on the twitter.
- You can add this page to Facebook, Google+
- You can send feedback.
- If you want you can disable Extension also.
See also: Have a look on gmail add-ons you must know.
People use New Tab Draft to take notes, Write down inspiration, do simple calculations… whatever you want.