Thursday, December 08, 2016

How To Add Or Remove Gmail Categories And Tabs?

Gmail is the web’s favorite email service. Gmail organizes all the messages into primary, promotions, social, updates and forum categories. These categories help you sort your emails so you don’t see emails at one time. This simple trick is to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

How to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

These simple features of organizing emails into different categories and tabs help you manage you emails in a variety of ways, making it easier and quicker for you to locate specific emails.

This simple procedure can allow you to add or remove Gmail categories and tabs:
If you don’t see tabs in your inbox, follow these steps to turn on inbox categories.
Step1. Sign in to your Gmail with username and password.
how to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

Step2. In the top-right corner click settings, from the drop-down menu click Configure Inbox.
how to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

Step3. A window appears automatically, with list of tabs to enable. This list of tabs include,

Primary: person to person conversation and messages that don’t appear in other tabs.
Social: messages from social networks, media-sharing sites, online dating services and other social websites.
Promotions: Deals, offers and other marketing emails.
Updates: Personal, auto-generated updates including confirmations, receipts, bills and statements.
Forums: messages from online groups, discussion boards and mailing lists.

Enable Gmail Categories and Tabs:

Enabling Categories and tabs in Gmail can organize mails into their respective tabs, without all showing in one primary tab.

Step4. Check the boxes of the categories you want to use and click save.
how to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

Disable Gmail Categories and Tabs:

Disabling Gmail categories and tabs will organize all the mails to your old inbox.

Step5. Uncheck the boxes before the tabs and click save.
how to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

Note: If you hide a tab, those messages will be shown in your primary tab.

Step6. One Optional tab for starred messages: choose if you want starred messages from all tabs to show in your Primary tab and click save.
how to add or remove gmail categories and tabs

Removing any tab will automatically filter emails under that tab to primary tabs. This is how you can add or remove categories and tabs in Gmail.

1 comment:

    I am Bryan Cranston by name, CEO of the globalhack Team..

    we give guidelines to all of our clients as advisors to them, you don't get ripped off by fake hackers... 


    A hacker cant change or clear your credit score history,
    but moderate it.

    Thus rare in most cases!!

    There are three credit bureaus and literally dozens of different scores, 

    That carries 3 max trojan w#asβ security guide!.

    not to mention security procedures. 

    Honestly you might need close to 2300usd to get each tools of the security guards to get it cleared perfectly without any defect later On.

    But in cases of credit moderations?
    The hacker can help moderate by reduction of bad performances
    Your Credit Information Report (CIR) plays a large part in the loan application process and hence a lower score can impact your chances for a loan approval anywhere.

    If you intend this moderation package, it will only cost a couple of tool, that sound nice right??

    we also, suggest working on improving your credit as another option, which is possible, rather than going for hackers or other gimmick solutions.

    If you intend MODERATION, it will cost you like I've said..

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