Saturday, January 14, 2017

How To Add Custom Domain Name From Bigrock To Blogger 2017?

How to Add Custom Domain name to blogger from BigRock? or Are you looking to map Custom Domain from BigRock to your blogger? It is easy to use Custom Domain name from BigRock to blogger. So, Learn to setup BigRock Custom Domain to Blogger. First, you need to buy the Custom Domain from Bigrock to use for blogger blog. This complete tutorial on How to add a Custom domain name to blogger from BigRock should be learned step by step.
how to add a custom domain name to blogger from Bigrock 

With the available list of top free blogging websites for creating a blog, Blogger is a free weblog publishing tool from Google which is absolutely free of cost. Unlike WordPress, Blogger does not allow the blogs to be hosted on any other server except their own. But Blogger allows custom URLs instead of just domain names with Apart from creating a free blog on BlogSpot using Blogger, you can buy a domain name from the service provider like GoDaddy and BigRock and then map it to your blog on Blogger.

In this tutorial, you will be given a step by step procedure on how you can use your domain from BigRock with Blogger. Before continuing I hope you have a domain name purchased from BigRock. Your domain name from BigRock looks like this (My domain name is and I will be using this domain name throughout this tutorial to map for BlogSpot subdomain 

Procedure on How to map Custom Domain name from BigRock to blogger
This complete step by step procedure to map your Custom BigRock Domain to your blogger blog with ease involves the following steps:

1. Login to blogger Account:
Step1. Login to your blogger/BlogSpot dashboard at
how to add Bigrock Custom Domain name to blogger

Step2. Click Settings > basic. Under publishing section in the Blog address field, you can find your sub-domain address. Under that click the link +Set up a third-party URL for your blog
how to add Custom domain name to blogger from Bigrock

2. Login to BigRock Account
Step3. Login to BigRock with the credentials registered at the time of buying a domain in BigRock.
how to use Custom Domain name to blogger from Bigrock

Step4. In the Control panel, under the list of Orders, you will find all the domains you have purchased from BigRock. Click on the domain name used to map to blogger/BlogSpot blog.
how to setup custom domain name to blogger from Bigrock

3. Add Custom Domain name to blogger
Step5. Add your Custom Domain name, purchased in BigRock, in the Blog Address > Third-Party domain settings as shown in the figure. After adding the domain name, Click save.
how to map Custom Domain name to blogger

Note: You need to add www as a prefix to the domain name. For example, my Custom Domain is and here is added to Custom Domain

Step6. Click Save, will end up with the error “We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 32” and two CNAMEs listed below. 
how to use Bigrock Custom Domain name for blogger 

Copy CNAMEs and A records in a Notepad: 
To get A records, click view settings instructions > under Use a Custom Domain > scroll down and click Use a top-level domain and scroll down to find four different Google IPs like,,,
how to add custom domain from Bigrock to blogger

Copy these, Google IPs (A records) and paste in the Notepad along with CNAMEs (we got in Step6).
how to add a custom domain name to blogger from Bigrock
Step7. Now Go to BigRock account, opened in the Step3, Click on the Domain name (use to set up BigRock custom domain to blogger), under the list of orders.

how to add Custom Domain name to blogger from Bigrock
Step8. Scroll down to find DNS Management. Under DNS Management, click Manage DNS.
how to add Custom domain name to blogger from bigrock

4. Add A Records
Step9. By default, you will be under the A records. Click on Add A Record button.
how to map a Custom Domain name to blogger from Bigrock.
Step10. In the form for adding A record leave Host Name blank and Copy the first A record from the Notepad (already saved) and paste it in the destination IP4 Address. Do not make any changes to the TTL and click on Add Record.

how to use Custom domain name for a blogger from Bigrock

Step11. With this, A record will be added successfully. Click again on Add A Record and Copy the second A record from the Notepad add paste it in the destination IP4 Address. Repeat the process until the other two A records and are added successfully.
how to setup Bigrock Custom domain for blogger
5. Add CNAMEs Records
Step12. Click on CNAME Records and then click on Add CNAME record.
how to add Custom Domain name for the blogger from Bigrock

Step13. In the Host Name type www and in the value select the second radio button and then enter the value Click Add Record.
how to setup Custom Domain name on blogger with Bigrock

Step14. You need to add a second CNAME record provided by Blogger in the BigRock Manage DNS panel. Click on Add CNAME Record.
how to setup Blogspot domain name to Custom Domain from Bigrock

Step15. Copy the second CNAME Host field from the Notepad and paste in the Host Name type and again copy the Second Destination field from the Notepad and paste it in the value by selecting a second radio button. After completing the settings click Add Record.
how to setup blogger domain to Custom Domain from Bigrock

Below is the list of CNAME Records added.
how to use BlogSpot subdomain to custom domain from Bigrock

6. Save the settings in blogger blog
After you have added the CNAME records, it will take approximately 4 to 6 hours for these records to get activated. 

Step16. In the blogger/BlogSpot blog click Save to save the changes.
how to add Custom Domain name to blogger from Bigrock

Step17. Your settings are saved successfully. Google takes care of your BlogSpot readers by directing them to your Custom Domain. You can view your blog by clicking on the view blog as shown in the figure.
how to add a custom domain to blogger from Bigrock
Finally, you are done on how to map BigRock domain for Blogger. This is a simple blog with fewer customization options. Now it’s time to start building your website. This is how you can setup the Custom Domain from BigRock with Blogger Blog. 

You can leave a comment below if you have any other questions regarding use of your BigRock Custom Domain name with Blogger.