WhatsApp had become the popular app all around the
world which is a cross platform messaging app available for Android, IPhone,
Blackberry, Windows Phone and Nokia. It has billions of Users also increasing day by
day. We can freely send text, images, call friends and can share location using WhatsApp. Recently WhatsApp added a feature of sharing documents. It has tons of awesome features
and adding more and more.
Probably WhatsApp also added a feature of changing Text
Format for better understanding the text in message’s so that we can clearly
express ourselves when messaging friends.
We can change the text to bold, italicize and can strike-through text using some symbols such as tildes(~),asterisks(*) and underscore(_).
to use it?
While sending text in WhatsApp use tildes,
asterisks, underscores on either side of word then text will delivered to your friend as follows.
1. ~Technology~ as Technology (strikethrough).
2. *Technology* as Technology
3. _Technology_ as Technology
Execute in your device for using these text format.
Don’t forget to check whether your WhatsApp is latest version or not. Try these
in latest version so that they will work