Notepad is a common simple text editor for Microsoft
Windows to save simple text documents with the extension .txt. Notepad is a built-in software for windows from its initial version.
Probably Notepad is used for compilation and execution for many programming languages.
It has a flexible feature of saving as many extensions and can use for many
purposes. Some cool tricks as we can perform using Notepad are secure folders
with password, can use text to audio converter and also to make a personal
to use Notepad as Text to audio Converter.
Using this trick you can convert text to audio and can listen,
follow those steps to hear your text.
Open notepad
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Copy this code as it is.
Dim msg, sapimsg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion–","Technologyfeats Text-To-Audio Converter")Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")sapi.Speak msg
Save this file with any name but with extension” .vbs” .
For example : texttoaudio.vbs
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Now open that file which will look like
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Text in the box and click ok to hear.
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That's it,you can here whatever you write in the box with a voice
to use Notepad as a personal diary or as To-Do.
Using this trick we can use notepad as a personal diary
with time and date.
Follow me to make your personal diary using Notepad
Open Notepad
Text “ .LOG “
in the notepad as .txt as extension
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Save it with a name as you like for ex: "diary.txt"
Now open the text file so that it will look like below
top-notepad-tricks-everyone-should-know |
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