It’s quite disgusting that the computer battery drains very often resulting in the charging repeatedly. This can even result in the shortening of battery life. But if a report to check the Power efficiency diagnostics for the computer can help in solving the issue then it is advisable.
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
Windows 7 has a feature that can diagnose the energy efficiency of your computer. To run this energy report all the current applications running should be stopped and ensure that the computer is idle. Any issue related to power management can be handled with Powercfg -energy command and generate power efficiency report.
Power Efficiency Diagnostics report for computer in windows:
Step1: From the start, type cmd in the start search box, right-click on the command prompt and then click Run as administrator.
For Windows10, Right click on the start button and select Command Prompt (Admin)
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
Step2: Type Powercfg -energy in the command prompt and press Enter. The evaluation will complete in 60 seconds.
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
Step3: When the evaluation was finished, an HTML report file that is named energy-report.html will be generated in the current path. It also shows the numbers of errors and warnings in the report.
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
Step4: The HTML file will be saved in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\energy-report.html. in the local user drive. Open the file in the web browser. It will shows, the power efficiency diagnostic report for the computer in the windows.
The report will display details of the computer’s power efficiency, such as the names of the applications that prevent the computer from entering sleep mode when necessary, and many others applications that prevent the automatically entering into sleep.
The report can be divided into four parts:
Basic Information:
The basic information includes the computer name, Scan Time, BIOS Version, Process count, Report GUID etc.,
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
The second part contains the errors that have the huge effect on the power consumption and battery life.
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
The next section is Warnings that affect the power consumption and battery life to come extent.
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
The last part contains information data that don’t indicate any energy problem.
Run Power Efficiency Report for Computer in Windows |
Finally, you can go through the details report and get the issues solved in order to get the errors solved, warning reduced. Some may not understand how to read these reports. Can take the help of any friend by sending the report.