Tuesday, December 06, 2016

How To Clear Cache In Google Chrome Browser?

A cache is an archive for stored data like images and files, used to accelerate the process of retrieving data. At times clearing cache on Google Chrome browser is vital because the errors occur with the files in your cache and tasks start to run unconventional. 
how to clear cache in chrome browser 

These caches include many types of web page caches, hardware caches, software caches and memory caches. Caches by its default feature of storing data for the sites visited, used to speed up processes so that data need not have to be recomputed or fetched from its original location and save time. That is, if you visit the same sites again and again, your computer can save time and resources by avoiding downloading the same files over and over again.

Though cache advantages the speeding up of the process, it sometimes disadvantages by exploiting personal information inherent in your local cache files to steal your identity. So, it’s still a good idea to clear browser cache in Google chrome browser frequently.

How to clear browser cache in Google Chrome Browser:

1. Click chrome menu (Three horizontal dots on the right-top corner).
how to clear browser cache in chrome

2. In the pull-down menu click more tools and click on clear browsing data.
how to clear cache in google chrome browser

You can even open this clear browsing data dialog box by just pressing the shortcut keys CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE.

3. From the pop-up tab check the box before cached images and files. You can even check another type of data like clearing cookies, download history, browsing history etc., that you would like to delete.
How to clear cache in chrome browser

4. In the Pull down menu at the top, you can control the time period over which you would like to delete data-form “the past hour” to the “the beginning of time”.
How to clear cache in chrome browser

5. Click Clear browsing data at the bottom of the dialog box.
how to clear browser cache in chrome browser

This will erase all the cached images and files, that are stored in the browser cached files. Clearing cached images and files dump your browser’s little data archive to get things back in order.