Thursday, January 05, 2017

How To Create, Open And Delete A Folder Using Command Prompt?

Command Prompt is one of the command-line programs that can analyze and execute a program line by line. You can create a folder using Command Prompt, open a folder using Command Prompt and delete a folder using Command Prompt in Windows operating system.

how to create, open and delete a folder using Command prompt 

Traditionally, you often create a new folder through the right-click menu. But there are several ways to reach the same target, and using Command Prompt is among the choices. Moreover, Command Prompt can also be applied to open and delete a folder. Consequently, this tutorial will illustrate how to use a command prompt to create, open and delete a folder in Windows 10 computer.

1. How To Use Commands Prompt To Create A Folder:

Use Command Prompt to create a folder with name technologyfeats in D: drive.
Note: md command in Command Prompt is used to create a new folder.

Step1. Press “Windows + X” and click on the Command Prompt from the pop-up menu.
how to create a folder using Command prompt

Step2. In the Command Prompt window type, md drive letter\folder name and press enter.
how to create a folder using Command prompt

Note: For example here md d:\technologyfeats and press enter.

Step3. Navigate to the drive in which command prompt, cmd, created a folder. You can find the folder created with the folder name you specified.
how to create a folder using Command prompt

2. How To Use Command Prompt To Open A Folder:

Use Command Prompt to open a folder (here, technologyfeats) that is created above.  
Note: start Command enables a user to open a folder using Command Prompt in windows.

Step1. Press “Windows + X” and click on the Command Prompt from the pop-up menu.
how to open a folder using Command Prompt
Step2. In the Command Prompt window type start drive letter\folder name and press enter.
how to open a folder using Command Prompt

Note: For example: here start d:\technologyfeats and press enter.

Step3. Folder name with technologyfeats will be opened with this Command Prompt command.
how to open a folder using Command Prompt

3. How To Use Command Prompt To Delete A Folder:

Use rd command in Command Prompt Windows to delete a folder (here it technologyfeats folder).
Note: Command rd is used to delete a folder in Windows.

Step1. Press “Windows + X” and click on the Command Prompt from the pop-up menu.
how to delete a folder using Command Prompt

Step2. In the Command Prompt window type rd drive letter\folder name and press enter.
how to delete a folder using Command Prompt

For example, here rd d:\technologyfeats and press enter.

Step3. Running this Command will delete folder name with technologyfeats in the D: drive.
how to delete a folder using Command Prompt

This is how you can learn to use a Command Prompt to create, open and delete a folder in windows.
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