Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How To Block A Website Using Google Chrome Browser, With Block site, A Chrome Extension, In Windows

         Block a Website in Chrome to allow its access further. But, Google Chrome doesn’t have any website blocking feature or settings or blocking tool. However, there are plenty of chrome Extensions that can be installed to allow you to block a website. Block site, a website blocker, is chrome extension to block websites of your choice. To block the site, simply copy the website URL from the address bar and paste it into the list of blocked sites in the Block site chrome extension options. This enables to block a website using chrome browser extension BlockSite. 

how to block a website using google chrome browser in windows

Websites can be blocked with the help of several options available. These include, blocking websites in Internet Explorer (Firefox, Chrome Browser), block a website using external software, block a website using the command prompt, block a website using family safety, block a website using windows. Consider the one that best works for your needs.

There are several reasons to block a certain website on your computer. The reasons may be some websites contains explicit content, spreading the virus or trying to steal your personal data, prevent children from accessing prohibited sites. Though you are genuine in avoiding such websites, but intruders cannot standout true in accessing such sites. So blocking websites can be the true remedy.

Here are several extensions that can help you block websites on Chrome.
Google chrome’s Chrome Web Store contains handful of extensions to block a website on Chrome.

Launch Chrome Web Store: 

Before getting Block site, a website blocker, extension to google chrome browser to block websites, you have to launch Chrome Web Store.

Step1. Click on the three horizontal line on the top-left corner to customize and control Google Chrome and click settings.
how to block a website using chrome browser

Step2. Click Extensions and scroll down and select Get more extensions.
how to block websites in chrome browser

Step3. Now, Chrome Web Store is launched.

how to block websites in chrome browser

Procedure to add block site extension to chrome browser

After launching Chrome Web Store, Search for Block site, a website blocker in chrome, in the search field and add that Block site as chrome browser extension.

Step1. Type Block site in the search box, check Extensions and press enter. Scroll down to find Block site extension.
how to block a website using chrome browser

Step2. Click ADD TO CHROME on the right side.
block websites in google chrome browser

Step3. Add "Block site" pop-up, click add extension. Block site extension will be added to the chrome browser.
how to block websites in chrome

Method1: Procedure to block a website using Block site in chrome browser

After adding Block site extension, now it’s time for you to block websites using this chrome extension.

Step1. Now open the website, you want to block, in chrome browser and right click anywhere on the website.
how to block a website in chrome browser

Step2. Select Block site and click options.
how to block a website using block site chrome extension

Step3. Add any website to the list of blocked sites. Click add page.
For Example, Here I tried to block by adding this URL to the list of blocked sites.
use Block site a chrome extension to block websites in chrome 

Now, if you try to open the website you have blocked in chrome with Block site extension, it will show like this.
how to block websites with google chrome extension Block site

Step4. Like this, you can block any number of websites by adding websites to the list of blocked sites.
how-to-use-chrome-extension-to block-site
How to block websites with chrome extension Block site

Step5. If you want to set another redirect page for your blocked sites, you can do it for each website separately and click Set.
how to block a website using chrome browser

You can even set default redirect page for all the blocked websites.
how to block a website using chrome browser

Method2: Block any website in chrome browser with Block site

You can simply block any website in chrome with Block site extension by following the procedure.

Step1. Now open the website, you want to block, in chrome browser and right click anywhere on the website.
how to block a website in chrome browser extension
Step2. Select Block site and click Add current site to the blacklist.
how to block a website using chrome browser extension

This adds the web URL to the list of blocked sites and website will be blocked.
This is the simple way of blocking websites on chrome with Block site extension.

You can unblock the websites that are blocked by Block site, by clicking on the Red Cross (X) letter, a pop-up appears and click OK. The website will be unblocked.
how to block or unblock a website in chrome browser extension

You can also block or unblock the blocked websites by switching between    blacklist and whitelist. Choose switch to OFF beside enable Block site to unblock the Websites.
how to block or unblock a website in chrome browser extension

Blocking a site in Chrome Browser using Block site chrome extension only blocks the particular site in chrome browser itself. Any other browser on the computer, as well as any computer, phone, or tablet connected to your home network, can still access the site you are blocking.