Social media has a great impact on the life of the people these days. In today’s world all most all the people start and end the day with social media. It has become the dominating force on their life.
Here are some important number facts regarding social networking sites.
# 1 billon users login to WhatsApp monthly.
# 42 billion messages are sent through WhatsApp daily.
# 10 Crore people all over the world downloaded Pokémon go.
# 100 Crore Apple Phone are sold worldwide till now.
# In India 3.7 Crore people use LinkedIn.
# Facebook receives about 320 crore likes and comments every day.
# China tops in the use of Twitter. About 3.5 Crore people use Twitter here.
# Active Users of Twitter per month is 31.3 crore people round the globe.
# 3.5 billion people search google every day. But in1998 when google was started only 10,000 people per day used to this search engine.
# Free Wi-Fi is Available in 19 railway stations in India. Every month 20 lakh people use this service.
We also say, just a minute …. Just a minute…. But in that minute what will happen in the social media around the world, we will see…..
# In one minute Google Translator will translate 7 crore words.
# Apple’s “Intelligent assistant” Siri will give answers to 99,206 users in just a minute.
# In Instagram people send about 2.40 crore posts in one minute.
# In twitter 8678 emoji are posted and 3, 50,000 posts are tweeted in one minute.
# In snapchat nearly 7 crore videos are watched per minute.
# In you tube 400 hours of videos are uploaded in just a minute.
These are statistics till date, but these keeps on changing. I will update all the changes as and when required.
If you know the recent updates please comment.
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