Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How To Hide Or Show System Labels, Categories, and Circles In Gmail?

Labels in Gmail allow you to customize and organize emails. You can hide or show system labels, categories, and circles in Gmail. If you want certain labels or categories or circles visible, you can show those labels, categories or circles. If you don’t want certain other labels or categories or circles you can hide them.

How to hide or show system labels, categories, circles in Gmail

Gmail allows users to customize or organize emails into categories through the label feature. These labels can be accessed from the left side of the Gmail interface. You can categorize your emails with labels so that you can see at a glance what types of emails are coming into your inbox.

Hide or show system labels, categories, circles in Gmail:
1. Login to your Gmail account with username and password.
Hide or show system labels, categories, circles in Gmail

2. Click on the settings icon on the top right corner and from the drop-down menu click settings.
Hide or show system labels, categories, circles in Gmail  

3. Click labels Tab.
how to show or hide labels in Gmail

4. The Labels tab lets you control the labels on the left side of Gmail interface. It is of three sections: System Label, Circles, Categories and (custom) Labels.
how to show or hide labels in Gmail

5. Under System labels, you have labels like Inbox, Starred, and Important, Chats, Sent Mail, All Mails, and Bin. These labels have two options hide or show. If you click on the show in these labels, these labels will be seen on the left side of Gmail interface.
How to hide or show system labels in Gmail 

But labels like Spam and Drafts have an extra option which allows it to stay invisible and become visible when there are unread messages.

6. Under Categories section Social, Promotions, Updates, Forums are present. These labels can be shown either in labels list or messages list. These categories can be shown by clicking on the show button or hidden by clicking on hide button.
how to hide or show categories  labels in Gmail

7. Under Circles section you can find Friends, Family, Acquaintances and Following labels. This Circles is available if you are using Google+. The Circle section can also be set to Show or Hide. To manage the circles, you have to go to Google+ page. The circle labels can also be shown in label list or message list.
how to hide or show circles in Gmail

8. You can even custom labels i.e. create a new label. These custom labels can be set to hidden, unhidden or only show up when there are unread messages.
how to hide or show system labels, categories, circles in Gmail

Thus, your inbox can be organized by topic with labels by clicking on show or hide of system labels, categories, circles and custom labels (create new label) in Gmail.