Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot With 2017

How to setup custom domain name on BlogSpot blog with Mapping your domain name to work with blogger is simple. Use custom domain name to blogger from to make your BlogSpot subdomain more professional.This complete step by step guide on how to use Custom Domain name to Blogger should be followed in the order, else you will have to start it over. 

How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017
But, the prerequisite to this tutorial, you must have a ( blog and a custom domain name ( from for mapping your domain name to work with blogger.

If you don’t have a free blog on, create a free blog on BlogSpot using blogger. With blog or website you can start blogging to explicit your expertise. But having the custom domain name ( blog or website) from domain service providers like GoDaddy or BigRock is always better because there are available at reasonable prices. Mapping your domain name to work with blogger is easy and also it is your own blog and later you can move it anywhere based, on your needs.

Now you are ready with your ( blog from blogger and a custom domain name ( purchased from Now you have to use a custom domain for BlogSpot to convert your blog to blog.

Before going to the tutorial on How to setup a custom domain for blogger? My advice you to open both your blogger’s BlogSpot blog dashboard and domain name provider account because you have to make changes in two account.

Procedure to Setup a custom domain on BlogSpot Blog from GoDaddy
The Procedure to setup custom domain name on blogger with involves the following step:                                                                             1. Log in to Blogger Account,
2. Log in to GoDaddy Account,
3. Add Custom domain name to BlogSpot blog,
4. Add A Records,
5. Add CNAMEs Records,
6. Saving the settings in the blogger/BlogSpot blog.

1.Log into Blogger Account: 
Step1. Login your blogger at and go to your BlogSpot dashboard.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step2. Click settings > basic and under publishing section in the Blog Address field, you can find your address. Under that click on the link +Set up a third-party URL for your blog.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017
2. Log in GoDaddy Account:

Step3. Log in to Account and you will be directed to Account dashboard. Under My Products, Click on “+” sign before Domains.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step4. Here you will get a list of domains that you have purchased from under Domains > My Domains.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017
3. Adding Custom Domain Name to BlogSpot blog

Step5. Now you need to add domain name that you had purchased from in the Blog Address > Third-Party domain settings field as shown in the figure. After adding the domain name, Click save.
Note: keep in mind that you need to add www as a prefix to the domain name you have purchased. (For example, my domain name is and I am adding
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step6. When you click save, you will end up with the error saying “We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 32” and two CNAMEs listed below to the Error as shown in the image below.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017
Further, if you click save, the error message repeats and documents will not be saved until you configure CNAMEs records and A Records.

But, before setting up CNAMEs and A records for BlogSpot custom domain name, copy and paste these CNAMES in a notepad.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

For getting A records Go to view setting instructions > Under Use a custom domain > scroll down and Click Use a top-level domain and scroll down to find four different Google IPs.

Step7. Copy these IPs and paste in the Notepad along with CNAMEs. 
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

These IPs are very useful in the following steps.

Setup CNAMEs and A Records for BlogSpot custom domain name

Step8. Now Go to Account you have already opened in the step3, under My Products > Domains > My Domains where you can find your domain name as shown in the figure.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step9. Click Manage DNS besides the domain name that you need to set Custom domain to blogger BlogSpot blog.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step10. Now you will be directed to DNS Management page where you have to add your CNAMEs and A Records to your Domain Names.

How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

4. Add A Records

The Advantage in adding A-records for using a custom domain name for your blog is that A-records links your naked domain ( to an actual site ( ). Skipping this step can result in as error page for the visitors who leave off the “www”.

Step11. Click ADD button at the bottom of the Records.

How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step12. From the popup select A Record and Enter the Host as “@” and point to value should be Google IPs ( first IP i.e., copy from the notepad created in step7) and click Save.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

In the same way, you have to create four separate A records which point to four different Google IPs. Add A records and enter Host as @ and Point to values as one by one by copying from the notepad, till all the four IPs provided by Google are entered as shown in the image. 
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017
5. Adding CNAMEs

Step14. Click ADD button at the bottom of the records.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step15. From the popup select the CNAMEs and  Copy  CNAMEs for Host and Point to from the notepad you have saved before in Step7 and paste in the Host and Point to the field as shown in the image and click Save.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Adding the Second CNAME is not necessary, previously it was added, but now when you try to add it, you will get an error message. If you want you can try adding the second CNAME by following Step16 below.

Step16. Now again click ADD, follow the procedure in step15 to add the second CNAME in the Host and Point to fields in the same way and click save. For your reference, go through the image below. 
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step17. When you click save you will get an error message “An unexpected error occurred if this issue continues contact support. We have contacted the GoDaddy customer care support and came to know that adding this CNAME with Host “www” and Point to “” is not necessary.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

6. Saving the settings in the blogger BlogSpot blog.

Once CNAME and A records setup are completed you need to wait for 5 minutes to 1 hour for your DNS settings to activate. Attempting the final step before your settings are activated can result in error “We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error32”.

Step18. Now go back to your BlogSpot blog address where we entered a custom domain and ended in ERROR 32 while try to save. Now with the settings(CNAMEs and A records) completed click on save.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step19. Your setting will be saved successfully, without any error message, once your settings are activated. Google takes care of your BlogSpot readers by directing them to your custom domain. you can view your blog by clicking on the view blog as shown in the figure.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Step20. Your custom domain blog with looks like this in the basic template view.
How To Setup Custom Domain Name On Blogger/BlogSpot Blog With GoDaddy 2017

Your original address will automatically forward to your new domain. All the existing links or bookmarks to your site will still work. Now the process of setting up Godaddy custom domain to blogger/BlogSpot has been completed. 

Finally, you are done on how to map Custom Domain with BlogSpot. This is a simple blog with fewer customization options. Now it’s time to start building your website. This is how you can use your custom domain name from GoDaddy with BlogSpot blog.

You can leave a comment below, if you have any other questions regarding mapping your Custom Domain name to work with Blogger.



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