Saturday, February 11, 2017

How To Write Descriptive Page Titles For SEO?

How to create descriptive page titles to web pages for SEO?

Page titles are an important aspect of search engine optimization. Page titles give an indication to the search engine and users, what the page is all about. Page titles are significant because they give a quick insight into the content of a result. Page titles act as the primary piece of information used to decide which results to click on. A relevant, descriptive and concise page titles can have high-ranking in the search engine results pages. Creating high-quality page titles on your web pages is very important.

Page titles are always indicated by using titles tags. But these title tags are placed within Head tags of the HTML document.
how to create descriptive page titles for SEO
how to write descriptive page titles for SEO

The title for your homepage can list the name of your website/ business and also include its main focus or offerings.

Page title contents are displayed in the first line of the search results page. Words in the title are bolded if they appear in the user’s search query. This helps users recognize if the page is relevant to their search query. Ideally, you should create a unique title for each page on your site.

Guideline for writing and creating descriptive page titles for your site SEO
The following few tips can help managing your titles and your page on search engine results pages.

Title for every web page

A page title is mandatory for getting your web page listed on the SERPs. A Web page without page title can hardly be recognized by the search engine. Always make sure that every page on your site has a title specified in the title tag.

Unique page titles

Your page title should be unique to the rest of your web pages to help google know how the page is different for others on your site. All the page titles in your site should be distinct and descriptive. Boilerplate titles like long titles that vary by only a single piece of information are very bad.

For example, a standardized title like “technology, blogging, Windows, Networking, SEO, and Gmail – ” contains a lot of uninformative text.

So, titles must be dynamically updated to better reflect the actual content of the page. For example, include the words “blogging”, “SEO”, etc., only if that particular page contains content related to blogging or SEO.

You can also use your “brand name” as a concise title and use Meta description to describe your site’s content.

Avoid using a single title tag for all your pages or for some group of pages on your site.

Use descriptive and concise page titles

A brief, descriptive and concise page titles with short and informative is very vital. All the page titles should be limited to 50-60 characters in length. 
Avoid long and unnecessary page titles which get truncated in the search results page.

Avoid vague descriptors like “Home” for your home page or “Profile” for a specific person’s profile. 

Page title should reflect your content

Always choose a title that accurately describes the page’s content. Never deceive the readers with wrong page titles that didn't match the content and don’t allow them to hit back button. Your page title should summarize your web page content.

Avoid choosing a title that has no relation to the content of the page.

Avoid keyword stuffing

It is a bad practice to stuff keywords in the page titles. “Keyword stuffing” is the practice of writing keywords to the rank web page in Google search results. But filling page titles with keywords can results in negative experience to the user and can harm your site ranking. For example, A little like “descriptive titles, meta-descriptive titles, meta-descriptive, descriptive page titles” doesn’t help the user. This kind of keyword stuffing makes your results look spammy to Google and users.

So, focus on creating brief, descriptive, concise and informative terms in the title.

Brand your titles

Always brand your titles, but concisely. The title of your site’s home page is a reasonable place to include some additional information about your site.

For example, “Technologyfeats – A Web Guide For Geeks and Bloggers” 

But displaying that text in the title of every single page on your site hurts readability and will look particularly repetitive if several pages from your site are returned for the same query. 
In this case, consider including just your site name at the beginning or end of each page title, separated from the rest with a delimiter such as a hyphen, colon, or pipe.
Technologyfeats – Best tips and Tricks on Technology

Most important keywords first

Start your title by adding the important keywords in the beginning of the title. All the words appearing first are considered to be more important. Choose specific keywords for your title in order to have more targeted traffic. If you target 7-8 relevant keywords per page, do not use more than 2 in the title tag.

Avoid use of words that read like a sentence  

Keep your important phrases short and simple. Avoid use of words that read like a sentence like, and, if, but, then, etc.

Following the above guidelines, you can write the descriptive page for SEO to make your web page rank first on the search engine results page.

Comment below if you have any queries related to the use of descriptive page titles in web pages for SEO.