Thursday, December 29, 2016

How To Hack Wi-Fi Password Using Command Prompt?

This simple trick How to hack Wi-Fi Password reveals Wi-Fi password of a network connection that your computer is connected to. In today’s technology advanced world, people are completely depending on the internet to handle their day-to-day online works. Obviously, Wi-Fi has become an integral part of an individual life.

how to hack wireless password using command prompt

It is a big deal to remembering Wi-Fi password for a long time. There may be many reasons for not having the Wi-Fi password, like forgot the password or the system administrator entered it directly without revealing the actual password to you. It is not necessary to reset your router, but you can hack Wi-Fi password using command prompt and known the actual password of the connected networks.

Procedure to find connected Wi-Fi network password through Command Prompt.

Command Prompt is the most used features of Windows that allow you to find connected Wi-Fi network password.

1. Press Windows + R keys to open Run Command.
How to hack wifi password using command prompt

2. Type cmd in the empty field and click Ok or Press Enter.
how to hack wifi password using cmd prompt

3. In the Command Prompt that appears, type netsh wlan show profiles and press Enter.
hacking a wifi password using the command prompt

This command is used to see the profiles of the networks to which system is connected. All the Wireless profiles to which your system is connected are displayed.

4. Among available profile of the networks to which the system is connected, select any one to which you want to find the Wi-Fi password using cmd. 
how to hack wifi password by using the command prompt

Type the following command in the cmd. Netsh wlan show profiles profile name. Here, the profile name is $um@.
Type netsh wlan show profiles $um@ and press Enter.

5. All the details about the connected network will display in the command prompt. If you observe in security settings the security key is present but it is not showing.
how to hack wifi password with command prompt

6. You can decipher this security key by executing the command netsh wlan show profiles profile-name key= clear in the command prompt and press Enter.
how to hack wifi password using the command prompt

This will show the password of the connected network under the security settings beside the key content in the command prompt. That it, you have hacked Wi-Fi password of the connected networks.

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